Friday, April 29, 2011

Street Fight

Last night, at the Houston Museum of African American Culture, I was privileged to attend a screening of the film "Street Fight", which shows the necessary but nasty battle between Councilman Cory Booker and Incumbent Mayor Sharpe James. In the film, young Cory Booker tries to win the hearts, minds, and votes of Newark voters in the 2002 Mayoral Race. It was not an easy battle to say the least. Booker had to fight against dirty machine politics from the James camp. They said he wasn't black enough. They said he was a golden boy-outsider-carpetbagger that wanted to wave his Ivy league education around to poor people. In the end, the voters' voices were heard. Only one candidate could emerge from a modern day political "Street Fight".

After the film, there was a Q & A session moderated by the world renowned, Brother Jesse Muhammad, who is a blogger, staff writer for the Final Call newspaper, motivational speaker, and political community activist. You can catch up with him via his great blog, or via Twitter @brotherjesse.

Brother Jesse led the discussion on a few questions:
  1. What could Cory Booker have done differently?
  2. What lessons did both candidates learn?
  3. Should we have a responsibility to groom our future political leaders?
  4. Has politics gotten cleaner or dirtier?
Answer those questions after you view the film. I would love to discuss your point of view and mine in the comments section.

So without further adieu, I give you "Street Fight" in many parts......................................

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