Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Meeting Dr. West

Yeah, that's me. And yes, that's my hero Dr.Cornel West. No, I didn't photoshop this. It was hard to get a picture with him and so I had to sneak behind him and get some random guy to snap the picture. Don't judge me.

I met Dr. West at a luncheon on MLK Day in Port Arthur, TX. The event was hosted by the MLK Support Group in Port Arthur led by the legendary and courageous Hargie Fay Savoy, whom you see with Dr. West in the picture.

I was invited by Ms. Savoy's daughter, Jacky, who m was a gracious host. We had never met, but through a mutual Facebook connection, we hooked up. I would like to thank her for that. I told y'all favor is all over my life! Hearing West speak was everything I expected and more. Honestly, he didn't say anything new to my ears because I have listened to all his lectures and speeches given for the last 3 years. He still spoke with so much power and greatness. The majority African American crowd hung on to his every word except when he slid in a quick jab at President Obama. Black folk love Obama, Dr. West. You might get cut talking about Barack. They might even cut your hair. And it needs to be cut immediately.

When I got close to him his bodyguard nudged me back. I asked him to take a picture of me and Dr. West. He gave me that "negro please" look. So finally I pushed through fat people, old people, and children to get my chance to talk to the freest black man in America. I extended my hand to the brother and he reached out and we shared a hug and I thanked him for changing my life and to continue to carry the legacy of Martin King. The brother looked me in the eyes and said "Thank you my brother. You stay strong." That was all I needed to hear to continue my fight to change lives and the struggle against injustice in any form. 

Meeting West was cool and I embraced the moment. At my high school commencement, Andy Young gave the keynote. Afterwards, I approached him and told him how ugly his tie was. I didn't understand who he was at the time. I wish I could have that day back. me and my damn mouth! I didn't screw this up with Dr. West. I enjoyed seeing/hearing him speak. I told my brother that this was a step toward me keynoting luncheons one day. Greatness is on the horizon. Thank you for reading!

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