Tuesday, March 23, 2010


"The force that surrounds power, is the real power." Minister Farrakhan

As I watched the "We Count" forum that Tavis Smiley orchestrated so well, I came away feeling that Min. Farrakhan is the strongest voice in the African American movement of America. Many have said that he is polarizing for his controversial stances on various issues, but I say within a whole, every part will not see every specific the same, but that whole must be rooted in one central premise of justice draped with love. Polarizing Farrakhan may be, he speaks and lives love and justice. Many get hung up on a religious difference, but we know that every religion promotes love and justice in its scriptures and if we look at the brother's body of work, we see he embodies those traits. They said Martin, Jesus, Gandhi, and Malcolm were polarizing. "They", whomever they are, throughout history have blurted out many invalid assertions that we now characterize as idiotic. Often we can deem unabashed courage for being "polarizing". Polarizing figures help to evoke and promote real, authentic thought to our social miseries whether you agree with those figures or not. Without these people, we would be too comfortable in our box of silence and inactivity.

Tell me how YOU feel.

Damien Thaddeus Jones (Damien Speaks) is an independent blogger, student, activist, veteran, and a motivator of our youth fighting to promote effective literacy for our children.

Follow me at http://twitter.com/damien_thaddeus



1 comment:

Vernadette said...

Min. Farrakhan is the "freest" man in Amerikkka...on so many levels!