Sunday, August 4, 2013

A Closer Look: Relationships Edition

This installment of "A Closer Look" is by far one of my favorites! Samantha and I had a blast conversing with Relationship Expert Jill Payne! Enjoy and Stay Close! 

Mr. Ambition Heads to Washington, D.C.

Texas Southern University student Damien Thaddeus is well on his way to greatness! Thaddeus, a Political Science major, was selected to intern with the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation this fall, an opportunity that is not afforded to many.

Thaddeus is a Co-Host at KTSU's "A Closer Look" on Saturdays at 8am on 90.9 FM, "The Choice" in Houston, Texas. Not only is he a radio personality, but he also is an activist, writer, basketball coach, mentor, orator, culture critic, politico, and veteran of the military.

"What I hope to learn from my internship is how to write effective policy, how to debate and research it, and attain skills on how to lobby legislation, but policy and networking skills are what I really want to learn because in this fast-paced and competitive field, writing not rhetoric sets one apart therefore, I want to become more adept in policy writing," said Thaddeus.

When Thaddeus gets to Congress, he hopes to accomplish great things in the future such as working on laws that lock up people of color unfairly, changing the sentencing laws when it comes to crack versus cocaine, marijuana possession, self-defense laws, stop and frisk policies, and laws against racial profiling.

"When I heard the verdict from the Zimmerman trial, I felt somber, a little bit emotional. I couldn't muster up the energy to talk to anyone. Before bed, I laid on the floor, staring at the ceiling for about thirty minutes. That moment reaffirmed why I have to go to Congress from a policy standpoint. I am from Jackson, Mississippi. I've seen the ways in which laws work against my people. I am well aware of the prison industrial complex and how it disproportionately affects people of color. Many friends and non-friends are in jail, brothers and sisters who look just like me are locked up all across this country. Something has to be done about it, and I feel I am the person that can be a vessel to foster solutions,” said Thaddeus.

When Thaddeus leaves Texas Southern University, he will attend law school and move into public service because a lot of African Americans do not trust the government therefore, they stay away from it, consequently, choosing fields like entertainment and athletics from a place of familiarity.

"My life is not particularly attached to any career; I'm more so answering a calling on my life. Although Congress is a personal goal of mine, I understand that greatness can be achieved via any career path. Martin King told us in my favorite sermon The Drum Major Instinct, that greatness is achieved by serving others, regardless of one's socioeconomic status. My overall mission is to motivate young people of color to be great and take over the world, so I really want to do more lecturing and motivational speaking to young people. Every move that I make, I do it to inspire someone else, the young man fighting to get out the ghetto, the little girl back in Mississippi, Jamal growing up in a one parent household, Latisha from Third Ward who has been told what she can’t do, or that young teenage mother who stays up late changing pampers and writing essays,” said Thaddeus.

Thaddeus is not only a scholar, but he is an excellent example of how to make change happen and will do an exceptional job at his internship with the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation this fall. He will definitely be a future leader that will be remembered for decades to come!

Contact Damien Thaddeus:
3100 Cleburne St.
Houston, Texas 77004
Cell: (832) 703-9783
Twitter: @Damien_Thaddeus

Written by: Kimberlee Mason (